Fellow Lions,
As a new century of service has begun; the
new dynamics and unfolding challenges of our
present require us to reflect on the famous saying
by Melvin Jones:
"It is not given to a great many men in the
ordinary conduct of their lives to exercise
Leadership within a group, yet every member of a
Lions Club has this opportunity."
I was once asked by a young Lion about my
definition of Leadership and its relation to Lions
Clubs International; I replied:
"If Leadership is not a game of egos, but the
opportunity to serve others;
If Leadership means taking responsibility and
engaging in a lifelong commitment;
If Leadership means service, loyalty and support;
If Leadership means taking action;
Then Leadership is an Art and Lions Clubs
International is where it is taught.
That is the spirit of Lions, the essence of
Lionism teaches us to work alongside people,
not behind them and not ahead of them; it
teaches us to favor cooperation and teamwork
over solitary ambition. Lions are artists of action,
service and commitment."
I believe that the true Lions Clubs International
offers equal opportunity for everyone to prove
themselves as able and capable of Leading: men
and women, old and young, all alike.
If a World of Experience – and just as important –
an Experience of the World are necessary tools to
lead our Association that is diversified yet united,
then I am ready to offer this experience.
I am proud to be referred to as a World Lion
who understands cultures, and appreciates the
customs and traditions of the many countries
that shape our association. A World Lion who has,
since 1988, enjoyed experiencing the peculiarities
of 96 countries, 31 International Conventions, over
84 Area Forums, and 40 Regional Conferences,
in addition to hundreds of District Conventions,
meetings and celebrations.
Fellow Lions,
I pledge that we will continue to achieve success
and we will strive to establish our organization
as an integral force and key player in the
international community. We will persist in our
endeavor to show the world that where this is a
need, there is a Lion to respond to it.
Fellow Lions, Success is Preparation meeting
Opportunity, and I count on your vital support to
offer me this Opportunity.
The dream has been drawn, the preparation has
been set, it is now time to achieve.
- Born in Lebanon in 1961. Married to Alia, they
have four children and one grandchild
- Owner of a trading company
- Studied Business Administration
- Among his main interests: Reading and Travel
(96 countries and growing)
- Member of several local and international
- Recipient of the National Medal of Merit
awarded by the President of Lebanon
- Charter President of Beirut St Gabriel Lions
Club, 1988-89
- Cabinet Member, 1989-94
- District Trainer, 1992-95
- District Governor, 1994-95
- Founder of Lions Eye Center, Lebanon, 1996
- Organized many Lions Clubs locally and
- Chairperson, ISAAME Forum, 1995 & 1998
- Honorary Chairperson, and Advisor for
Regional Conferences, 1996-2013
- International Director, 1997-99
- Member of International Conventions
Committees, 2000-07
- International Board Appointee, 2006-07 &
- Group Leader, District Governors-Elect
Seminar, Boston 2006 & Sydney 2010
- President, Mediterranean Solidarity
Observatory, 2007-09
- Global Membership Team (GMT) Area Leader,
- Advisor of the Mediterranean Solidarity
Observatory, 2009-17
- Recipient of three International Leadership
- Recipient of 19 International President
- Recipient of the Ambassador of Goodwill
- Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow
- Recipient of many local and international
- Attended 31 consecutive International
Conventions from 1988 to 2018
- Attended over 84 Area Forums & 40 Regional
Conferences held around the world
- Attended Lions Day with the UN nine times in
New York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi
- Visited Headquarters in Oak Brook over
20 times
- Visited more than 96 countries, mostly for
Lions events
- Regular Presenter/Speaker at International
and Regional Conferences
- Multilingual couple, with Salim fluent in three
languages and Alia fluent in five
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